"Leadership is the cornerstone to success regardless of one’s station in life."

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management
Director of Information Technology Manatee County Sheriff's Office
2012 Leading with Emotional Intelligence
2013 7 habits of Highly Effective People
2014 Crucial Conversations
2014 Regional Leadership Forum
2015 Leadership Manatee
2015 Academy of Leadership
2016 Excellence and the Academy of Leadership
2017 Coaching – A strategic tool for effective Leadership
2018 Practitioner Myers Briggs (MBTI)
2018 Certified Coaching through College of Executive Coaching
2018 Certified Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence EQi-2.0
A dynamic professional with over 25 years experience in leadership
Lorraine Williams is a dynamic professional with over 25 years’ experience leading others. She’s a proven team builder, with a strong focus on process and performance optimization. This April, Lorraine will have celebrated her twelfth year serving as the Director of Information Technology for the Manatee County Sheriff's Office.
Noteworthy prior professional endeavors include serving in guidance roles for the Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin. Throughout her career, Lorraine’s underlying passion has been and continues to be Leadership Development. Lorraine feels strongly that leadership is the cornerstone to success regardless of one’s station in life. She feels most privileged having the opportunity to have spent several years in the classroom teaching and grooming IT technicians to become certified systems engineers. Lorraine earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management from Washington State University. She also holds several formal certifications in systems engineering as well as professional training.
On a local level, Lorraine recently established a Leadership Coaching program within her agency that was endorsed and promoted by the Sheriff. The process is based on Leadership Values, Principles and Emotional Intelligence. Elsewhere, she has conducted several seminars across the globe, working with groups in the UK, Germany, and the USA. Lorraine feels that mentoring has enabled her to learn, grow, and most importantly “pay it forward.” Her other charitable interests include her work with Guardian Ad Litem, The Florida Department of Children and Families, and the Humane Society.”